Make these your ten thumb rules in the next 18-19 days!
1. Study as much as possible now -There is to limit as long as physical/ mental health is in check
2. Daily schedule should look like- study, eat food, take small breaks & sleep
3. Stick to your own sources- Source minimalism
4. Don't take a nap of more than 20 min during the day till June 16th
5. There are no good scores in mocks now, only improvement is needed- Think only on this line
6. Stay in problem solving mode rather test series mode
7. Think as if this is the last time I am studying this much.
8. Concentrate only on the subject you are doing at that time
9. Confidence >>> everything at this point!! Built that confidence! Anyhow
10. This is the time to run the fastest. Get on top of your game