What is the difference between double and float variables in Java?

By ayush goel in 22 Sep 2023 | 11:20 am
ayush goel

ayush goel

Posts: 346
Member since: 21 Sep 2023

What is the difference between double and float variables in Java?

22 Sep 2023 | 11:20 am
divas goyal

divas goyal

Posts: 453
Member since: 22 Sep 2023

In Java, both `double` and `float` are data types used to represent floating-point numbers (real numbers with a fractional part). However, they differ in terms of precision, range, and memory usage:

**1. Precision:**

   - `double`: It is a 64-bit data type and provides double precision. It can represent a wider range of values with greater precision. It is commonly used for most floating-point calculations requiring high precision.

   - `float`: It is a 32-bit data type and provides single precision. It has lower precision compared to `double` and is generally less accurate for representing numbers with many decimal places.

**2. Range:**

   - `double`: It can represent a wider range of values, including both very small and very large numbers. The range is approximately ±1.7 x 10^308 to ±4.9 x 10^-324.

   - `float`: It has a smaller range compared to `double`. The range is approximately ±3.4 x 10^38 to ±1.4 x 10^-45.

**3. Memory Usage:**

   - `double`: Being a 64-bit data type, `double` consumes more memory than `float`. It uses 8 bytes of memory to store a value.

   - `float`: Being a 32-bit data type, `float` consumes less memory than `double`. It uses 4 bytes of memory to store a value.

**4. Suffixes:**

   - To declare a `float` literal in Java, you can use the suffix `f` or `F`. For example: `float myFloat = 3.14f;`

   - `double` literals can be written without a suffix, or you can use `d` or `D` if you want to explicitly indicate `double` precision. For example: `double myDouble = 3.14;` or `double myDouble = 3.14d;`

Here's an example that illustrates the difference in precision:


public class FloatVsDouble {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        float myFloat = 0.1f;

        double myDouble = 0.1;

        System.out.println("float: " + myFloat);   // Output: float: 0.1

        System.out.println("double: " + myDouble); // Output: double: 0.1




In this example, both `float` and `double` are used to represent the value 0.1, but `double` provides higher precision, so it doesn't suffer from the same rounding error that `float` does.

In general, you should choose the appropriate data type (`float` or `double`) based on your specific needs for precision and range. If you need high precision or are dealing with very large or very small numbers, `double` is often the better choice. However, if memory usage is a concern or you are working with data that doesn't require high precision, `float` may be sufficient.

22 Sep 2023 | 05:19 pm


Please describe about the report short and clearly.