How to Crack the CUET Exam: A Comprehensive Guide

Created by Mohit in CUET 1 Jun 2024

Hello, aspiring CUET candidates! I am Hardik Kumar Satvedi, a CUET topper who scored 685 out of 800 in the CUET 2022 exam. Currently, I am pursuing my MA from JNU.

While my journey to success may not guarantee the same for everyone, I hope that sharing my strategy will help you navigate your path to clearing CUET and securing a place in your desired university.

In this article, I will break down my approach into three crucial aspects of the CUET exam:

  1. Domain and Subject Preferences
  2. Preparation Strategies for CUET
  3. Filling Preferences and Common Mistakes

By following these guidelines and tips, you will be better prepared to tackle the CUET exam and avoid the pitfalls that many candidates face.

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Domain and Subject Preferences

Choosing the Right Language in Section A

Section A of the CUET exam requires candidates to select one language. Choose a language in which you are most comfortable and proficient. This will give you a solid foundation and confidence as you approach the other sections of the exam.

Selecting Domain Subjects

It is vital to choose subjects you have studied in Class 12th. This ensures that you are familiar with the content and can leverage your existing knowledge. When selecting your subjects, try to balance easier subjects with more challenging ones in your first slot. This strategy helps manage your time effectively during the exam. For instance, in my case, I chose English, Accounts, Business Studies, and the General Test for my first slot.

The General Test is not compulsory for all courses, but taking it can open doors to various professional courses at D.U., such as BBA (FIA), BMS, and BBE. Therefore, consider including the General Test in your subject choices to keep your options open.

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How to Prepare for CUET

Section A: English


A strong vocabulary is crucial for the English section. Instead of reading books like "Word Power Made Easy" by Norman Lewis cover-to-cover, I recommend watching the sessions based on this book on YouTube. Take notes of all the words you encounter and revise them regularly. Focus on sessions 19-50 as these are particularly useful for the exam. Consistent revision will ensure that you retain the vocabulary and can recall it during the exam.

Idioms and Phrases

Idioms and phrases can be a scoring part of the exam. Watch "One Shot Idioms and Phrases" by Shipra Mishra on YouTube. This concise session will help you cover this section effectively.

One-Word Substitution

One-word substitutions are essentially advanced vocabulary questions. If you have followed the vocabulary preparation strategy, you will find this section easier to tackle.


Practicing reading comprehension passages is essential. The key here is practice. The more you practice, the better you will become at quickly understanding and answering the questions based on the passages.

Section B: Domain Subjects

For the domain subjects, rely on your Class 12th preparation. Thoroughly go through all the topics you studied. However, speed is crucial during the exam. Regularly practice mock tests to improve your speed and accuracy.

Section C: General Test

The General Test can be challenging, and it requires early preparation. Focus on reasoning and quantitative aptitude as these are major components of this section.


I used the Arihant CUET book for reasoning and supplemented it with YouTube tutorials. Make detailed notes and revise them regularly. Channels like WiFi Study are excellent resources for this.

Quantitative Aptitude

For quantitative aptitude, WiFi Study is again a great resource. Learn from their tutorials and practice consistently. CUET Adda 247 is a useful platform for revising and testing your knowledge.

General Knowledge

I personally did not focus much on General Knowledge. However, if you prepare well for reasoning and quantitative aptitude, you can still score well in this section due to the choice in questions.

Filling Preferences and Common Mistakes

Understanding Preferences

Filling in your college and course preferences is a critical part of the CUET process. D.U. offers numerous courses, and each has different cut-offs and preferences. You must start thinking about your preferences early and continuously refine them.

Watch YouTube videos and read articles about different course preferences to get an idea, but ultimately, you need to decide what is best for you based on your interests and career goals.

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Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Not Choosing All 12th Subjects: I made the mistake of not choosing Economics and Physical Education, which were easy domains for me. Always include all your 12th subjects in your domain preferences to maximize your chances of scoring well.

  2. Course vs. College: Prioritize the course over the college. It is better to pursue a course you are passionate about in an off-campus college than a less preferred course in a renowned college.

Additional Tips and Resources

  1. Do Not Buy Too Many Books: Most books for CUET preparation are not very helpful. Instead, invest in good mock tests like those offered by Testbook CUET. These are affordable and effective for increasing your speed and accuracy.

  2. Utilize Online Resources: Some valuable YouTube channels that I followed include:

    • Vocabulary/Word Power Made Easy/One-Word Substitution: Sejal Gupta
    • Idioms and Phrases: Shipra Mishra
    • Quantitative Aptitude: WiFi Study (Sahil Sir) and CUET Adda 247
    • Reasoning: WiFi Study (Deepak Sir) and CUET Adda 247
    • Domain Subjects: Gokul Chhabra, Sunil Panda

Advanced Preparation Tips

Detailed Study Plan

Creating a detailed study plan is crucial for systematic preparation. Here’s how you can structure your study plan:

  1. Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses: Start by assessing which subjects you are strong in and which ones need more attention. Focus on improving weaker areas while maintaining your strengths.

  2. Allocate Time Wisely: Dedicate more time to subjects that are difficult for you. Ensure that you have a balanced approach, giving adequate time to each section of the exam.

  3. Daily Schedule: Break down your daily study time into focused segments. For example, spend the first half of your day on vocabulary and English practice, followed by quantitative aptitude, and then reasoning in the evening.

  4. Regular Breaks: Include short breaks in your study schedule to keep your mind fresh and focused.

  5. Mock Tests and Practice Papers: Allocate specific days for taking full-length mock tests. Analyze your performance in these tests to identify areas of improvement.

Effective Revision Techniques

  1. Spaced Repetition: Use spaced repetition techniques to retain information better. Review your notes regularly, with increasing intervals between each review session.

  2. Active Recall: Test yourself on what you have studied without looking at your notes. This helps in reinforcing the information in your memory.

  3. Summary Notes: Create summary notes for each topic. These should be concise and include key points, formulas, and important concepts.

  4. Mind Maps: Use mind maps to visualize the connections between different topics. This is particularly useful for subjects like reasoning and domain subjects.

Resource Utilization

  1. Online Courses and Videos: Utilize free and paid online courses to supplement your preparation. Platforms like YouTube, Coursera, and Khan Academy offer valuable content.

  2. Educational Apps: Use educational apps that offer practice questions, quizzes, and flashcards. These apps can help you practice on the go.

  3. Group Study: Form study groups with peers who are also preparing for CUET. Group study can provide different perspectives and help clarify doubts.

Mental and Physical Well-being

  1. Healthy Routine: Maintain a healthy routine that includes balanced meals, adequate sleep, and physical exercise. A healthy body supports a healthy mind.

  2. Stress Management: Practice stress management techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises. This can help you stay calm and focused.

  3. Positive Mindset: Keep a positive mindset and believe in your abilities. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who encourage you.

During the Exam

Exam Day Strategy

  1. Time Management: Plan how much time you will spend on each section. Stick to this plan during the exam to ensure you attempt all sections.

  2. Read Instructions Carefully: Carefully read the instructions for each section to avoid any mistakes.

  3. Answer Easy Questions First: Quickly go through the section and answer the easy questions first. This will boost your confidence and save time for more difficult questions.

  4. Review Your Answers: If time permits, review your answers to check for any mistakes or questions you may have missed.

Handling Difficult Questions

  1. Stay Calm: Do not panic if you encounter difficult questions. Take a deep breath and approach them methodically.

  2. Eliminate Wrong Options: Use the process of elimination to narrow down the choices in multiple-choice questions.

  3. Make Educated Guesses: If you are unsure about an answer, try to make an educated guess based on your knowledge and the context of the question.

After the Exam

  1. Reflect on Performance: Reflect on your performance and identify areas where you did well and areas that need improvement.

  2. Learn from Mistakes: Use this reflection to learn from your mistakes and prepare better for future exams or tests.

Additional Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How should I handle negative marking in the CUET exam?

    • Carefully consider each question before answering. If you are unsure, it's better to skip the question than risk a wrong answer.
  2. What is the best way to stay updated on current affairs for the General Test?

    • Regularly read newspapers, watch news channels, and use apps that provide daily current affairs updates.
  3. How important is handwriting in the CUET exam?

    • For sections that require written answers, clear and legible handwriting is important. Practice writing neatly and quickly.
  4. Can I use a calculator during the exam?

    • Check the exam guidelines provided by CUET. Usually, calculators are not allowed, so practice solving problems without one.
  5. What should I do if I feel overwhelmed during preparation?

    • Take a short break, relax, and then resume your studies with a fresh mind. Talking to a friend or family member can also help reduce stress.
  6. How can I improve my reading speed for comprehension passages?

    • Practice reading articles, newspapers, and books regularly. Focus on understanding the content quickly and accurately.
  7. Is it beneficial to solve previous years’ question papers?

    • Yes, solving previous years’ papers can give you an idea of the exam pattern and the types of questions asked.
  8. What should be my strategy for last-minute revision?

    • Focus on revising key concepts, formulas, and summary notes. Avoid learning new topics at the last minute.
  9. How important is accuracy in the CUET exam?

    • Accuracy is crucial. Ensure that your answers are correct to avoid negative marking.
  10. Should I take coaching classes for CUET preparation?

    • It depends on your learning style. Some students benefit from coaching classes, while others do well with self-study.
  11. How can I manage time effectively during the CUET exam?

    • Practice with mock tests to improve your time management skills. During the exam, keep an eye on the clock and allocate time to each section accordingly.
  12. What are some common mistakes to avoid during CUET preparation?

    • Common mistakes include not practicing enough, neglecting weaker areas, and not taking mock tests.
  13. How can I stay motivated throughout my CUET preparation?

    • Set small, achievable goals, reward yourself for meeting them, and stay connected with supportive peers and mentors.
  14. Is it necessary to cover the entire syllabus for CUET?

    • Yes, covering the entire syllabus ensures that you are prepared for any question that may appear on the exam.
  15. Can I prepare for CUET while simultaneously studying for my board exams?

    • Yes, with proper time management, you can balance both. Focus on overlapping subjects to save time.
  16. What should I do if I do not perform well in mock tests?

    • Analyze your mistakes, understand where you went wrong, and work on those areas. Use mock tests as a learning tool.
  17. How should I approach theoretical subjects for CUET?

    • Understand the concepts thoroughly and practice writing concise answers.
  18. What role does peer discussion play in CUET preparation?

    • Peer discussions can provide new insights, clear doubts, and keep you motivated.
  19. How can I ensure I am following the correct preparation strategy?

    • Regularly review your progress, seek feedback from mentors, and adjust your strategy as needed.
  20. What should I do on the day before the CUET exam?

    • Relax, revise key points, ensure you have all necessary documents, and get a good night's sleep.

In conclusion, cracking the CUET exam requires a combination of strategic preparation, consistent practice, and a positive mindset.

Follow the guidelines and tips provided in this comprehensive guide to enhance your chances of success.

Remember, this is your opportunity to shine, so make the most of it. Good luck to all the CUET aspirants!

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